The Club Patí Vela Barcelona was born with the vocation of preserving and promoting the popular character of this genuine Barcelona boat.
Scientific sailboat
Social project
Amb una vinculació especial amb els barris de la Barceloneta i Sant Martí, organitzem activitats d’integració social partint dels valors de conservació del patrimoni marítim i el respecte i cura del cos mitjançant l’esport.
Com a entitat sense ànim de lucre ens integrem en el teixit associatiu de la ciutat per a posar les nostres instal·lacions i activitats al servei de projectes socials.
Club Patí Vela Barcelona
Non-profit sports entity whose main objective is the promotion and dissemination of sailing with a sailboat.
Goofys is a non-profit organization that supports children who are recovering from surgery, have reduced mobility or have autism and Down syndrome. We carry out aquatic activities during the summer months with the help of volunteers.
Social project
Goofys is a non-profit organization that supports children who are recovering from surgery, have reduced mobility or have autism and Down syndrome. We carry out aquatic activities during the summer months with the help of volunteers.